Sunday, March 16, 2008

That guy Steve

I just met Steve at a photographer's convention recently where he signed up to sell my picture jewelry line (K.Cooper Jewelry). He was needing some new photos for his website and I was excited to help! Plus, it's obvious these kids have had their photo taken a few hundred times!

Peek a boo

No, I wasn't playing baby games. Deb from Peek a Boo baby store across the street was in again with her beautiful family. Wow, these girls are heart stoppers.

Tough Boys

Caden and Ian did this shot to show you their tough guy tattoos. The best part is Ian just applied a whole sheet of tattoos to his chest at one time. Hey, no pain no gain right? =-)

Booger Boy

I almost don't have to tell the story here. Yes, that shadow above his tongue is a boog. Colton was entirely too much fun to photograph this time. I can't believe how much character he exudes! Did we get the booger before he did . . well, I'll leave that to your imagination.